
Kick-off Meeting

Axmedov N.

                                                                   The first kick of meeting on January 22-25.

Meeting materials:

1. Kick-off meeting Agenda.

                                                                                             Presentation of Project Partners 

2. Tashkent University of Information Technology (TUIT) presentation.

3. Universidad Politecnica De Madrid (UPM) presentation.

4. Politecnico Di Torino (POLITO)  presentation.

5. Universidade De Evora (UEVORA) presentation.

6. Jizzakh polytechnic institute (JizPi) presentation.

7. Fergana Polytechnic Institute (FerPi) presentation.

8. Andijan state university (ASU) presentation.

9. National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers institute” (TIIAME) presentation.

10. Karakalpak State University (KSU) presentation.

11. Ministry of higher education, science, and innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MHSSERUz) presentation.

12. Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU) presentation.