
Duration: M1-M36

(Lead: TUIT Co-Leader: Politecnico Di Torino)

WP1 will establish a clear management structure and a common methodology to assure the successful completion of the project objectives on time. The specific tasks of the management process are (among others) the internal communication, monitoring the work-plan during the 3 years of the project life, carrying out adjustments when and if necessary,accounting of the budget to the partners, maintain communication with EACEA and National Erasmus Office:

Foreseen Outputs:

1.1. Overall co-ordination and direction of the project, financial flows and coordination strategy (M1-M36)

1.2. Project reports elaboration

1.3. 4 SC meetings.

– MS: Partnership Agreements and management plan; Kick-Off meeting; platform for communication

– MI: Partnership agreements signed by M6; members of the project teams and committees identified by M4; financial and narrative reports ready every 6 months; mid-term and final report according to the Grant Agreement; financial reports validated in the due time.