
Duration: M1-M2

(Lead: University of Evora Co-Leader: TIIAME)

WP2 will identify the educational, research, and market needs of the energy industry in solar energy in Uzbekistan, identify taxonomic indicators for a new bachelor of solar engineering, competencies and requirements for bachelor. The activities start with a study of educational program and curriculum and their courses/modules at each university in Uzbekistan and existing international programs in order to highlight the shortcomings of existing ones and select the best European examples to create curriculum and courses comparable to those taught by universities around the world. The needs of the labor market in the chosen field will be analyzed and identified to ensure that students are provided with real needs.      This will be done by engaging relevant stakeholders from Uzbekistan and Europe that are active in the country. At the same time, activities will focus on upgrading the skills of teachers to design and deliver new courses using a student-centered approach and task-based methodologies.

Foreseen Outputs:

2.1. Collection of data on existing contracts of university enterprises and stakeholders of the energy industry and identification of problems (M3-5);

2.2. Definition of taxonomic indicators for a new bachelor of solar engineering, competencies and requirements put forward for bachelors (M2-6);

2.3. Organization of surveys and training sessions in EU partner universities (M8-12)

2.4. Identification of knowledge and competence gaps (M4-12).

MS: Reports on Partners’ HEIs’ courses/facilities, identification of needed courses, labor market needs, new and updated courses, report of the required new skills, trainee’s questionnaire report.

– MI: List of courses to be developed (expected 12 new courses (72 ECTS) for the pilot curriculum in 2 universities and 6 to 8 renovated courses in 4 universities), first draft of methods for the preparation of Syllabi and teaching materials ready by M6